
Jak trefit správnou velikost při nákupu dárku?

How to hit the right size when buying a gift?

Choosing the right accessories, clothes or shoes can be a struggle at times. After all, who doesn't occasionally ask themselves, "What size am I?" And what if you want to buy a gift for someone ...

Kolik stojí kvalitní kožený opasek?

How much does a quality leather belt cost?

Why do some bands remain beautiful for many years even with intensive use, and others become unwearable after half a year? Why does one make you feel like a prisoner and can't wait to take it of...

Do letadla ta správná volba

The right choice for the plane

Get out of the rut. Say goodbye to your old belt and try one that you won't even feel you're wearing. Perhaps everyone has found themselves in a situation in which they would need one more hole in...

Proč šijeme české opasky z italské kůže?

Why do we sew Czech belts from Italian leather?

We are very happy to support our local economy. Why don't we also use Czech leather when we design and manufacture belts here? We would like to explain why this is the case and why our current cho...

Móda bez omezení: Kožený opasek, který má 38 pozic místo děr

Fashion without limits: A leather belt that has 38 positions instead of holes

Avoid uncomfortable pieces of clothing and try ones that you don't even feel you're wearing. Perhaps everyone has found themselves in a situation in which they would need one more hole in their be...

Proč české firmy podporují italskou ekonomiku místo naší?

Why do Czech companies support the Italian economy instead of ours?

Did you know that most domestic manufacturers of fashion accessories, clothes, shoes and, for example, furniture do not process Czech leather, but import it from abroad, most often from Italy? Why ...